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你们认为如何?“Thirty-two per cent of respondents said they strongly disapproved of Trudeau’s performance with another 23 per cent saying they somewhat disapproved.”

National Post on Jul 13, 2022

Justin Trudeau’s job as prime minister and feel he is divisive, national opinion survey says

That compares to seven per cent who said they strongly approved of how Trudeau was doing and 33 per cent somewhat approved, according to the survey results.


“The only PM that has taken the 'my way or the highway' approach to governing and actually kept it going, through resignations, violations, and things that made him look bad in the end.

If that is not narcissism, I don't know what is...........”

“Canada will never be free as long as the CBC controls the political conversation and influence how Canadians vote.

Canada needs a free market of ideas for our nation to function properly.”

“7% strongly approved of Blackface's performance.

Now that's what I would call a small fringe minority with unacceptable views.”


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / 重大利好消息🤪👉加拿大央行本周大幅加息100个基点至2.50%,加息幅度超过预期的75个基点,创1998年8月以来最大单次加息幅度。本周公布的美国通胀报告显示,6月份整体价格上涨速度同比升至9.1%,创逾40年新高。 +2
    • 看热闹不怕事儿大。
      • 🤣 +1
    • 对谁利好?
      • 没房子的 +2
        • 更买不起了。现在新毕业的年轻人都尽量去美国找工作
      • 镰刀
    • 你们认为如何?“Thirty-two per cent of respondents said they strongly disapproved of Trudeau’s performance with another 23 per cent saying they somewhat disapproved.” +1

      National Post on Jul 13, 2022

      Justin Trudeau’s job as prime minister and feel he is divisive, national opinion survey says

      That compares to seven per cent who said they strongly approved of how Trudeau was doing and 33 per cent somewhat approved, according to the survey results.


      “The only PM that has taken the 'my way or the highway' approach to governing and actually kept it going, through resignations, violations, and things that made him look bad in the end.

      If that is not narcissism, I don't know what is...........”

      “Canada will never be free as long as the CBC controls the political conversation and influence how Canadians vote.

      Canada needs a free market of ideas for our nation to function properly.”

      “7% strongly approved of Blackface's performance.

      Now that's what I would call a small fringe minority with unacceptable views.”

      • 我们? 我希望他坐的飞机是用电池的,飞机飞一办路程电池没电了🪫 +2
    • 重大利好消息,美联储巨亏6000亿美元。缩表亏损实现并会进一步扩大。美联储不敢缩表,就只能升息,不然鲍威尔及12分行主席只能回家卖红薯。 +1
      • 浮亏? +1
      • 美联储升息也不是可以一直生下去的、超过4%、美国政府连国债的利息都付不起了。 +4
        • 你不会不懂吧?从啥时开始美国政府发行债券改用浮动利率了? +1
          • 到期的国债拿什么来还?发新债是什么利率你不会不懂吧?
            • 小土豆擅长加税
        • 不能升息,不能缩表,新债不宽松没人买,美国难道要成仙了吗?
          • 美国政府目前就是进退两难,拜登要是有魄力就发动战争来解决通膨,但量他没有这个胆。
            • 对手?伊朗吗? +1
        • 我相信船头的观点,加息受损最大的是政府。 +2
          • 加税可解