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"Inflation is like an illness, and medicine needs to be tailored to the specific problem. Otherwise you could make things a lot worse," Warren told Fed Chairman Jerome Powell during a Senate Banking Committee hearing. "You could actually tip the economy into a recession," she said. The Fed has no control over global oil prices that are driving up gas prices, Warren said. "What's worse than high inflation and low unemployment?" Warren asked. "High inflation and recession with millions of people out of work," she answered. "I hope you consider that before you drive this economy off a cliff," she sai

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / 今天没脸老炮被一顿炮轰,议员们指责他的加息是把经济崩溃,该收敛了。 +1

    "Inflation is like an illness, and medicine needs to be tailored to the specific problem. Otherwise you could make things a lot worse," Warren told Fed Chairman Jerome Powell during a Senate Banking Committee hearing. "You could actually tip the economy into a recession," she said. The Fed has no control over global oil prices that are driving up gas prices, Warren said. "What's worse than high inflation and low unemployment?" Warren asked. "High inflation and recession with millions of people out of work," she answered. "I hope you consider that before you drive this economy off a cliff," she sai
    • 桥水基金的老总也是炮轰美联储,以前是狂降息加狂印钱,现在又狂加息狂缩表,这样的极端政策是不对的。因该有温和的环境让市场调节。现在是用一个错误来改正另一个错误。 +2
    • 愚蠢,滞后的官员,政府,一贯的特色,不能指望。 +1
    • 哈哈。这个沃伦也是经济学教授。政府控制经济的手段无非是货币和财政两种。要控制通胀,要么政府砍预算,要么央行升息。现在大笔花钱的预算躺在国会,她有种通通扔进垃圾桶,看看经济衰退不衰退。都在甩锅推责,演戏。恶心。
    • Warren和Peloski的股票可能最近亏了不少,当然不高兴 +1
    • 控制不住通胀,又躲不过衰退 +1