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"the_dumb_one", 你宣称:"拜登明确地重申了反对台独。拜登递出了一束大大的橄榄枝" “没有啥余地歧义的解释。就是反对台独” (#14450886@0) (#14451130@0)。不说你英文烂,但你把语义完全理解错了。来看拜登政府官员怎么说吧:

The two men also discussed Taiwan amid concerns that China will invade the neighboring island.

Biden also told Xi ‘that U.S. policy on Taiwan has not changed, and emphasized that the United States continues to oppose any unilateral changes to the status quo.’

His warning to stay away from Taiwan came as China has upped its military presence in the region.

'He underscored as well concerns about Beijing's coercive and provocative actions across the Taiwan Strait. President Biden made clear that we remain opposed to any unilateral changes to the status quo across the Taiwan Strait,' the senior administration official said.

'The Biden administration has consistently demonstrated rock solid support for Taiwan and will continue to do so,' the official added.








Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / "the_dumb_one", 你宣称:"拜登明确地重申了反对台独。拜登递出了一束大大的橄榄枝" “没有啥余地歧义的解释。就是反对台独” (#14450886@0) (#14451130@0)。不说你英文烂,但你把语义完全理解错了。来看拜登政府官员怎么说吧: +4

    The two men also discussed Taiwan amid concerns that China will invade the neighboring island.

    Biden also told Xi ‘that U.S. policy on Taiwan has not changed, and emphasized that the United States continues to oppose any unilateral changes to the status quo.’

    His warning to stay away from Taiwan came as China has upped its military presence in the region.

    'He underscored as well concerns about Beijing's coercive and provocative actions across the Taiwan Strait. President Biden made clear that we remain opposed to any unilateral changes to the status quo across the Taiwan Strait,' the senior administration official said.

    'The Biden administration has consistently demonstrated rock solid support for Taiwan and will continue to do so,' the official added.







    • 白宫网站也一样:he underscored, as well, concerns about Beijing’s coercive and provocative actions across the Taiwan Strait. President Biden made clear that we remain opposed to any unilateral changes to the status quo across the Taiwan Strait. +3
      Via Teleconference 2:53 P.M. EDT      SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL:  Thank you.  Thanks, everyone, for joining.  I
      • 白宫网站里的这句话不是oppose 台独?President Biden reiterated that the United States remains committed to our one-China policy。since when 台独和一个中国在status quo 中成为分离的概念?
        • 拜登在那个场合“保持现状”的语义是反对"台统",而不是反对“台独”,明确无疑,而且细节白宫做了说明。你的理解 “拜登递出了一束橄榄枝”,让人笑掉大牙。 -viewing(viewing); 11:36 (#14452041@0) +4
          • 坚持一个中国,反对任何单方面变化不是反对台独?那你说说谁过去一二十年一直要坚持一个中国?是台湾?美国人用坚持一个中国的立场来支持台独?你英文真好
            • “拜登递出了一束大大的橄榄枝”,哈哈,幸亏你没给习近平做翻译。我发现五毛粉红们的一个习惯是,即使自己错了,也要胡搅蛮缠。这已属于人品问题了。 +2
              • 你一再提人品。我只是建议你去读文件。至于人品,你也不知道我的,我也不知道你的。骂几句五毛粉红给你的人品加不了分 +2
                • 别扯远,“拜登递出了一束大大的橄榄枝”,这样的理解,只能让人耻笑。 +2
    • 我的英语的确很烂。和你没法比。我说了,你去参照历来对status quo 的解说,来理解“any”的意思。美国的台湾关系法,
      明确了台湾作为美国盟友的地位,和美国人对台湾的义务和责任,台海的status quo,几十年来就是美国人坚持的台湾不独,大陆不统。美国人在台湾不断诉求独立的时候,一再重申反对“any unilateral change“是支持台独?在台独问题上,美国人或者支持,或者反对,没有骑墙的选择。就如同对大陆武统一样,或者反对,或者支持。
      • 拜登在那个场合“保持现状”的语义是反对"台统",而不是反对“台独”,明确无疑,而且细节白宫做了说明。你的理解 “拜登递出了一束橄榄枝”,让人笑掉大牙。 +3
        • 台湾是美国人的盟友,过去几届领导人一以贯之的诉求就是独立,也就是单方面地改变status quo,美国人是在通过重申oppose 任何单方面的变化来encourage 台独?
    • 这种在词语里找政治本来就是不可靠的。最可靠的是宪法和treaty,接下来是普通法,级别最低的是行政公告和领导人即兴讲话。如果把中国领导这30年的言论翻出来,对不上的一大堆。比如香港50年不变。
      • President Biden reiterated that the United States remains committed to our one-China policy,这个是在重申美国人几十年的政策,不是随口一句信口开河
        • 句子还没完:and is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the Three Joint Communiqués, and the Six Assurances. 跟以前一样

          six assurance的内容:

          1. The United States would not set a date for termination of arms sales to Taiwan;
          2. The United States would not alter the terms of the Taiwan Relations Act;
          3. The United States would not consult with China in advance before making decisions about United States arms sales to Taiwan;
          4. The United States would not mediate between Taiwan and China;
          5. The United States would not alter its position about the sovereignty of Taiwan which was, that the question was one to be decided peacefully by the Chinese themselves, and would not pressure Taiwan to enter into negotiations with China; and
          6. The United States would not formally recognize Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan.
          • 一点儿没错。但是所有这些条款,都是为了维系台湾作为一个事实上的state而不是法理上的state的合理地位。台独是要把事实上的state变成法理上的state,所以是美国人重申了不能支持的
            • “台独”是台湾统派用的语言,修改宪法更改国名领土,跟TG说的不是一个意思。美国既然不承认中国在台湾的主权,当然不会去关心这事情。事实上美国从来就没提到过台独,也没说过台湾不能修宪。美国只关心对台军售和维持和平状态
              • 美国人强调的是一个中国。台独就否定了这个前提
                • 宣佈中共囯非法即可。比如戰時托管,把北京托給日本,上海托給美國,廣州托給英國,陝西托給共產國際。中華民囯有資格這麽做。 +1
                  • 那当然完全可以。只要是bilateral的共识就皆大欢喜
                • 我非常佩服你绕不出来还要继续饶的精神。one china是中国提出来的,美国明明说不承认中国在台湾的主权,美国说的“一个中国”是指中国就是中华人民共和国,其领土不包括台湾
                  • 既然如此,老中为什么要在这几个字上纠缠不休?你厉害,一句话就把两岸三方几十年无战火的基石推翻了