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[Author’s rebuke: Sorry Christian friends, Jesus is not going to save you. That idea is the biggest piece of propaganda ever presented to humanity by its dark forces. One has to go through the personal ordeal of self-examination for oneself. Jesus’ primary mission was to show us what it’s like to be free so we could opt for that. When he said, “All the things I can do, you can do,” he wasn’t kidding, because his primary message was: Be like me! To get all excited and jump up and down doing a devotion dance where you proclaim how wonderful it was that Jesus died for your sins and now you don’t have to do a damn thing but “accept Jesus as your personal savior” and you’ll be fine is a total, irresponsible delusion, and it is holding back the evolution of humanity because of that.

[作者的斥责: 对不起,基督徒朋友,耶稣救不了你们。这个想法是黑暗势力向人类提出的最大的宣传。一个人必须经历自我反省的个人磨难。耶稣的主要使命是向我们展示自由是什么样的,这样我们才能选择自由。当他说,“所有我能做的事情,你也可以做,”他不是在开玩笑,因为他的主要信息是: 像我一样!兴奋地跳起虔诚的舞蹈,宣扬耶稣为你的罪而死是多么美好,现在你不必做任何事情,而是“接受耶稣为你的个人救世主”,你就会好起来,这完全是一种不负责任的妄想,正是因为这种妄想阻碍了人类的进化。

So get up off your lazy, self-righteous butts and practice what he preached: truth and reconciliation for those nasty satanist buggers and acceptance of all others whose forms don’t meet your self-important standards (those of us who do love-based spiritual practices that you insist on misrepresenting as devil worship) instead of trying to show how “forgiven” and better you all are. It’s Christmas (which is really Solstice), so now’s a good time to drop this load and help the Cause. Amen.]

所以,站起来,不要再懒惰、自以为是了,去实践他所宣扬的: 对那些恶魔崇拜者的真相与和解,接受那些不符合你自我重要标准的其他人(我们这些坚持将基于爱的灵修误解为魔鬼崇拜的人) ,而不是试图展示你们是多么的“被原谅”和更好。现在是圣诞节(真正的夏至) ,所以现在是一个很好的时间来放下这个负担,并帮助的事业。阿门

The Key Factor


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / ZT对不起,基督徒朋友,耶稣救不了你们。这个想法是黑暗势力向人类提出的最大的宣传。一个人必须经历自我反省的个人磨难。耶稣的主要使命是向我们展示自由是什么样的,这样我们才能选择自由。当他说,“所有我能做的事情,你也可以做,”他不是在开玩笑,因为他的主要信息是: +1



    [Author’s rebuke: Sorry Christian friends, Jesus is not going to save you. That idea is the biggest piece of propaganda ever presented to humanity by its dark forces. One has to go through the personal ordeal of self-examination for oneself. Jesus’ primary mission was to show us what it’s like to be free so we could opt for that. When he said, “All the things I can do, you can do,” he wasn’t kidding, because his primary message was: Be like me! To get all excited and jump up and down doing a devotion dance where you proclaim how wonderful it was that Jesus died for your sins and now you don’t have to do a damn thing but “accept Jesus as your personal savior” and you’ll be fine is a total, irresponsible delusion, and it is holding back the evolution of humanity because of that.

    [作者的斥责: 对不起,基督徒朋友,耶稣救不了你们。这个想法是黑暗势力向人类提出的最大的宣传。一个人必须经历自我反省的个人磨难。耶稣的主要使命是向我们展示自由是什么样的,这样我们才能选择自由。当他说,“所有我能做的事情,你也可以做,”他不是在开玩笑,因为他的主要信息是: 像我一样!兴奋地跳起虔诚的舞蹈,宣扬耶稣为你的罪而死是多么美好,现在你不必做任何事情,而是“接受耶稣为你的个人救世主”,你就会好起来,这完全是一种不负责任的妄想,正是因为这种妄想阻碍了人类的进化。

    So get up off your lazy, self-righteous butts and practice what he preached: truth and reconciliation for those nasty satanist buggers and acceptance of all others whose forms don’t meet your self-important standards (those of us who do love-based spiritual practices that you insist on misrepresenting as devil worship) instead of trying to show how “forgiven” and better you all are. It’s Christmas (which is really Solstice), so now’s a good time to drop this load and help the Cause. Amen.]

    所以,站起来,不要再懒惰、自以为是了,去实践他所宣扬的: 对那些恶魔崇拜者的真相与和解,接受那些不符合你自我重要标准的其他人(我们这些坚持将基于爱的灵修误解为魔鬼崇拜的人) ,而不是试图展示你们是多么的“被原谅”和更好。现在是圣诞节(真正的夏至) ,所以现在是一个很好的时间来放下这个负担,并帮助的事业。阿门

    The Key Factor

    • 他上了十字架,别人也都能上?也应该争取去上?然后第三天,也都能复活?
    • 约翰福音书,”你们是神“,圣经诗篇82:6和约翰福音10:34.耶稣说:「你们的律法上不是写着『我说你们是神』吗?
      • 如果圣经的说法是对的,那耶稣应该是个骗子