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美国人民真穷,这个核能工程师笨拙转身的间谍也是真蠢。早早看几部间谍片,何至于这么没有common sense, 还把老婆也搭上:

A Navy nuclear engineer with access to military secrets has been charged with trying to pass information about the design of American nuclear-powered submarines to someone he thought was a representative of a foreign government but who turned out to be an undercover FBI agent, the Justice Department said Sunday.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 美国人民真穷,这个核能工程师笨拙转身的间谍也是真蠢。早早看几部间谍片,何至于这么没有common sense, 还把老婆也搭上: +1
    A Navy nuclear engineer with access to military secrets has been charged with trying to pass information about the design of American nuclear-powered submarines to someone he thought was a representative of a foreign government but who turned out to be an undercover FBI agent, the Justice Department said Sunday.
    • 哈哈你记性没我好。我记得我跟你说过, 美国人为了钱为了美女会这么干,所以可能被人揪住小辫子, 有意或被逼干那些事情。 然后你反驳我,说, 美国人都是爱国者不可能这么干的。😝🤣
      • 我从来没有说过美国人不会这么干,我只是说我不相信美国人的整个情报机构,国防体系,军队将士都会被中国人收买。 +1
        • 你当时没有说"整个"二字😅🤣
          • 我看了足够多的间谍小说和间谍电影,所以不会不相信美国人会卖国,会被收买。但是我绝对不会相信美国人会在大范围内被老中收买。 +1
            • 哪有单纯收买那么简单? 😅 +1
    • 看来我比美国人更爱美国。我没一千万不干。 +1