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拜登说得对,比一场大战更加可怕的是一场无心也无意的战争。“You get to this issue of how far are you willing to go to defend Taiwan,” said Mr. Thomas,

the former Seventh Fleet commander. “I’ve thought about it a lot, and I don’t know if the United States is willing to see U.S. young people coming back in body bags for the defense of Taiwan.”

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 拜登说得对,比一场大战更加可怕的是一场无心也无意的战争。“You get to this issue of how far are you willing to go to defend Taiwan,” said Mr. Thomas, +1
    the former Seventh Fleet commander. “I’ve thought about it a lot, and I don’t know if the United States is willing to see U.S. young people coming back in body bags for the defense of Taiwan.”
    • 每天几十架次战机,不能说无心也无意了。 +6
      • 这就是共军恶霸无赖的地方。难怪吕秀莲说, 台湾人是被中共吓大的。要么不打,要么就打过去, 天天弄个飞机吓唬吓唬,算什么名堂。 +3
        • 同期,三只航母编队在南海演习。。。谁先谁后我不知道了,我只知道,航母从英国美国开到南海,比飞机从福建飞到巴士海峡,要稍微慢那么一点点。 +7
          • 航母在南海演习的次数, 和共军飞过台湾海峡的次数, 哪个多?
            • 这比较的,你觉得合理就好。应该土共航母到墨西哥湾演习的次数,和美国航母到南海演戏的次数才有意义。连基本的对比都搞不好,讨论就失去了基础 +3
              • 讨论是吓唬台湾。中国航母到墨西哥湾, 干嘛去啊?找死啊。
                • 美国开到南海就不找死了? +3
                  • 共军天天吓唬台湾,人家就开到南海, 反吓唬。这世界到底谁怕谁?
                  • 肯定不是,强劲实力在那里摆着的嘛,听说过耀武扬威这成语? +4
        • 吕秀连是个不错人物,她要是台湾总统,要比英文,英9都强
      • 我倒是更倾向于认为台湾人急于求成的心态,强行求得法理独立的努力,是搅动两岸三方不得安宁的主因。那篇article 下面的评论蛮有意思。 +4
        • 你要求太高了。台湾人想打仗也有道理。 +2
          • 那当然。对台独来说,两岸距离越拉越大。 +1
            • 保持现状的结果其实就是自然台独,急于追求台独反而可能适得其反。 +2
              • 是的。保持现状,不统不独,让时间来说话,来选择。十年之后,统一了,是民心。继续独立,也是顺其自然。那篇链接下有人这么说: +2

                There is no need for China to invade Taiwan.

                Save for a show of force and sheer indifference
                to the number of lives lost, what will China gain ?

                If China wishes to force Taiwan to accept her dictatorial rule, she only has to inform all the businesses that sell and buy from China that they can no longer do so.

                Taiwan's economy will crumble.

                As for an actual War, the US would be foolish to engage China over Taiwan.

                It is not 1942 and it is not Midway.
                The Chinese, unlike the Japanese,
                would know exactly where the US Navy
                is at all times.

                An Aircraft carrier cannot compete with land based airplanes, for you can easily disable an Air Craft carrier, look at what happened on the USS Forrestal when one Zuni rocket on one fighter was accidentally fired off on the flight deck on the 29th of July, that lead to catastrophic fires and explosion that led to the Carrier being withdrawn from duty for almost a year.

                The Chinese have thousands of anti-ship missiles far more powerful than the Zuni Rocket. Only one has to hit a Carrier to achieve the same disabling result.

                England and France went to War with Germany over its invasion of Poland in 1939, nothing they did saved Poland from the Nazi's.

                The US of A cannot militarily defeat China in a battle over Taiwan, Navy Ships sink, land bases do not.

                The only thing worse than fighting a war, is fighting a war that cannot be won.

                • 这文章用心不纯,保持现状只能是事实台独,而不是自然统一。自然统一只能有一种情况,那就是台湾经济崩溃,与大陆的差距巨大到已经不需一战,这种情况几乎不可能出现。 +2
                  • 台湾经济如果在大陆进步的同时停滞或者滑坡,统一对老百姓是一件好事。如果反过来大陆经济停滞甚至滑坡崩溃,自然无力去”统一“台湾,那时候独立就是”和平“诉求,对两岸老百姓也是好事。 +2
        • 小蔡很执着,意志坚定。但是走到了这个程度就很微妙了,再进一步需要巨大的勇气,而退一步则前功尽弃。 +2
          • 的确是。再过五年十年,如果目前的格局不变,台独的实力会减弱许多。但是如果换来的是避免一场无谓的战争,也未尝就不值得 +2
    • 人类几千年,民主好不容易发展到今天,一个red neck就倒退几百年。
      • 我不这样认为,那样的话,几千年cultivated 的民主理念岂不是太脆弱了。 +2
        • 当然脆弱,疫苗如此小事就能看出来。 +2
    • 拜登这就瞎扯了 +2
      • 也没有瞎扯,现在和中国来一场战争,虽然能让美国的军火工业暂时获得暴利,但是并不符合美国的整体利益。只要美国人一天不放弃strategic ambiguity 的原则,就说明它还在做着避免战争的努力。 +2
    • 你们也真是,今天是双十,就不能让台湾好好过个国庆,都是中美打这打那的😊 +2
      • 毁灭这个世界的,必是老中老美之一。而文章中说了,老中老美之间目前最为直接的导火线,就是台湾。跃跃欲试的台湾人,不知道是不是想清楚了自己在搞什么事儿。 +4
    • 头些天听到top gun插曲顺便把电影又看了一遍,当年的美国朝气蓬勃,这才几十年就老气横秋了。几场失败的战争的下场。 +2
      • 那也是符合世界的进步。美国老百姓哪里有战争的意愿?即使是拍出来的关于伊拉克/阿富汗战争的影片,也一大半是以反战为主旋律的。 +2
    • 别的我不知道, 第四次世界大战的时候的武器就是石头 +2
      • 也不一定。到时候虽然太平洋两岸完蛋了,中东欧洲也许无事,只要能够生产出足够的抵御radioactive的防护装备,就可以把文明的大旗继续扛下去。 +2