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The Taiwan Relations Act does not guarantee the U.S. will intervene militarily if the PRC attacks or invades Taiwan nor does it relinquish it,

as its primary purpose is to ensure the US's Taiwan policy will not be changed unilaterally by the president and ensure any decision to defend Taiwan will be made with the consent of Congress. The act states that "the United States will make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capabilities". However, the decision about the nature and quantity of defense services that America will provide to Taiwan is to be determined by the President and Congress. America's policy has been called "strategic ambiguity", and it is designed to dissuade Taiwan from a unilateral declaration of independence, and to dissuade the PRC from unilaterally unifying Taiwan with the PRC.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 战争还在继续,阿富汗副总统部队夺回一个城市。与总统不同,副总统还在继续战斗 +3
    • 这个估计是恐怖穆斯林整治对象?类似库尔德,鱼死网破了。拼一拼,周边大国也许觉得是个人才,保一保。 +1
      • 同意,应该是少数民族的族群之争,有点像地方军阀性质的 +1
        • 说是蒙古人后裔不少,算是半拉中国人吧?后来叛变加入回教,如今因为不够正宗,被阿拉伯扁。想当初成吉思汗多牛,信道教长生天。 +1
    • 美国出手支持了吗,如果没有,未来台海战争美国会派军队来吗? +1
      • 美国人现在是扶植塔利班。 +2
      • 有个法律叫《台湾关系法》。 +2
        • The Taiwan Relations Act does not guarantee the U.S. will intervene militarily if the PRC attacks or invades Taiwan nor does it relinquish it, +1
          as its primary purpose is to ensure the US's Taiwan policy will not be changed unilaterally by the president and ensure any decision to defend Taiwan will be made with the consent of Congress. The act states that "the United States will make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capabilities". However, the decision about the nature and quantity of defense services that America will provide to Taiwan is to be determined by the President and Congress. America's policy has been called "strategic ambiguity", and it is designed to dissuade Taiwan from a unilateral declaration of independence, and to dissuade the PRC from unilaterally unifying Taiwan with the PRC.
          • nor does it relinquish it. +1
            • 要读完再说。这个关系法的目的是阻止大陆武力犯台,也阻止台湾强行独立,你认为现在那个危险更大?我觉得大陆动武的可能性小于台湾寻求独立。真要那样强行做了,美国人没有理由出兵。 +1
        • 台湾关系法的前提是一个中国。美国现在再出兵帮助阿富汗副总统对付塔利班什么法律也不需要 +1
          • 美国根本不可能帮。如果想帮,不是为刚刚的撤出自己打脸吗?副总统派就是前北方联盟,重举义旗招兵买马,美国早就不应该解除人家的武装。可怜的阿富汗人民!
            • 倒是美国不参与的确会更好,美国做事拖泥带水,又要考虑民主还要考虑自身利益,反而自然竞争之后很快就会稳定,要不就是让中国参与,扶植一方,另一方彻底垮掉,新政权唯一的话就会稳定
              • 这一排也很多狠人。2001那年北方联盟战士在喀布尔用手拖拽着一名塔利班死去战士尸体的照片震撼世界!阿富汗不文明的数量太多,少数受教育文明点的都手无缚鸡之力,叹息。