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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

What's happening in Afghanistan is exactly the same as in Vietnam in 1975

U.S. Embassy staff in Kabul have been ordered to destroy sensitive documents and other materials in the midst ...

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  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / What's happening in Afghanistan is exactly the same as in Vietnam in 1975
    U.S. Embassy staff in Kabul have been ordered to destroy sensitive documents and other materials in the midst ...
    • 世界在向着群龙无首的地步发展,for better or for worse +1
      • In my humble opinion there hasn't been any leader in the world. +2
        • 我觉得二战以后,美国人曾经是当之无愧的世界领袖,众人膜拜的灯塔国,但是帝国从内部腐败,谁也挡不住 +2
          • 帝国: empire. What's the definition of empire?
            • 现在人们用empire 往往只是借用实力和强权的意义,而不是指疆域广阔,民族众多的原意。比如这篇文章说习近平搭建“帝国”,是指geopolitical 的帝国而言,它也提到美国这个“大帝国”在亚洲的式微: +2
              In short, since the start of the 21st century, the United States, like Athens in the 5th century BC, has been guilty of hubristic overreach and geopolitical distraction. As a result, its post-war empire of influence in Asia is now under severe threat.​​​​​​​

              它还指出美国人在一些无足轻重的事情上大打出手而加剧了自己的衰落:Thus far this century, America, like Athens, has depleted its strength by throwing vast resources at non-essential wars in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. These were distracting conflicts where even victory would have provided modest benefits. In hindsight victories in Iraq and Syria were largely pyrrhic while the war in Afghanistan seems all but lost. Meanwhile China has grown its economy, built a world class navy and leveraged its strength to co-opt regional allies.

    • 太晚了,1945年-1949年在中国大陆发生过的历史。希腊大地上也发生过,不过那次是丘吉尔(?)出手,掐死了那些邪教分子