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I am interest in you topic

I am interested in your topic very much. Your viewpoint is just mine.
I majored in computer science. but IT is always changing and I think it is a men's world. I am tired of it. I worked in band and I am interested in accouting. If I had to work in china I should became an accountant. But now I want to go to canada .How can I do like you? please give me all the details.
I want to know everything. thanks for your time.
e-mail me wpw-2000@263.net
thank you very much!
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 一个加拿大会计师言中的加拿大计算机行业
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在谈自己对计算机行业的看法之前,本人首先申明:我的看法不一定正确,只是一个门外汉的看法,用词可能不准确,请爱"鸡蛋中挑骨头"的先生们多多海含.


    我在国内是搞核物理的重水那一部份的,也算国防高科技了.能移民出来,反正其中的故事也可以写一本书了.来了以后,专业派不上用处.只有该行,也有意成IT业中人,可是电脑学校很少.房东的儿子在多大学商科的,很投源,建议我学会计.反正没有出路下,也只有半路出家了,先是考TOEFL和GMAT,原先没有基础,先补好大学的会计的课程.国内的课程每们课都作COURSE OUTLINE,公证后作个EQUIVALENT COMPARATION,很麻烦的.

    研究生两年出来后,又找工作.CA由于要在指定的CA FIRM工作的经验才算数.在INTERVIEW的时候,HUMAN RESOURCE的白人都无法了解我是如何在短短的三年中改行成功,另外一个金发碧眼的小姐听说我原来是搞原子弹的,一句"MY GOD"顺口而出.终于在KMPG(全球五大会计师事物所)得AUDIT部门谋到了一份高薪的工作.今年UFE全国统考通过后,可以正式的说是CA了,特许会计师,终生的荣誉!










    A:没有对UNIVERSITY 和COLLEGE的课程设置和就业技能需求建立相关性




    会计行业,就很严格,我的大学的每一们课程,他们都问的很详细,要INSTITUTE PROVIDED COURSE OUTLINE,或者WEBSITE OF INSTITUTE或者CALENDAR,中国的教育体制真的很差,后来实在没有办法,学校开个证明,公证了一下算数了.




    如果这篇文章,大家能给我好的回应,我愿意牺牲一点赚钱的时间,介绍一下自己是如何走到目前事业成功,心情愉快,前景光明的历程以及具体的技巧和注意事项!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • The key issue is, Canada lacks for IT guys very much! I also find many business websites obviously were done by amateur.
    • 1。对于电脑的看法,完全是个人偏见和攻击的外行话。2。至于会计师的起薪上了十万,可信度不高。3。CA跟读研究生毫无关系。
    • 这么多谬论,却从一开始就恶意攻击别人,企图封别人嘴巴。
      • You are luck, but not for everybody.
    • It sounds like a miracle. I believe it is pure luck
      You are the only person who told me that accounting is a good filed. I talked to many people (Chinese and natives, a lot of accountants ), everybody encourages me to study computer.
    • The life has 365 walks ---Jabber
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛This is Jabber. I would like to say a few words. Accidentally, I majored in nuclear chemistry and hold a Ph.D in theoretical physics. I also know some knowledge in nuclear physics. Right now, I am a Java developer simply I need to support my family.

      It is true that there is a lot of chaos in IT industry. IT is for young people. So I never advised people over 40 to learn programming. We cannot walk away from IT
      simply because it is not well regulated. In USA, COBOL guys could earn $100/per hour
      before Y2K, but now they have to turn to other fields. Today, Java is hot but it may be forgotten in 5 years.

      I have former classmates who are now working for some Fortune 500 companies as
      a consultant with an accountant company. According to them, the life is also tough. For
      instance, they need work overtime consecutively for 4 months each tax year.
      Of course, once they become CPA and establish their own business, they will have a
      reliable and comfortable life. However, not
      all the accountants can establish their own business. The question is: How many accountants does the society need? I can give another example. Doctors can earn big money in USA. But I know two Chinese doctors who are now working as IT professionals. Don't think they are stupid or lazy. They spent 7-8 years to get a license but they had no opportunites to be a doctor.
      Few outstanding examples cannot be taken as general rules.

      Of course, I don't think all the Chinese immigrants are apt for being IT professionals.
      But I can understand so many people are learning Java, Oracle, ... why? We need to survive.

      By the way, I don't think it is a good idea to
      use some derogative words to describe
      those not-so-famous Chinese universities or colleges. If I myself, or my brothers and sisters, graduated also from a university
      not as famous as TsinHwa or Beida, how do we feel like? In other words, I don't find out all the people from TsinHwa and Beida are smart.

      I myself is an unsuccessful physicist. I show my great respect for those who succedded in this or that field. What is more, I appreciate those people who show respect for the "inferior" people.

      Let's try to be more considerate of those who are not so lucky.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • I like your point! Thanks, jabber. You're right, I hope we can repect to each other no matter what his/her career, background is.
      • man, it seemed you were single.
      • to understand each other is so difficult? Yes or No is not important, what we are discussing is a life style , the active attitude facing the fact .
        yes , you are right! and further more, I do think the major around the world is same, the only difference is your experience and your effort as well as your life style, it makes all our stories and provide us different roll to play in the platform of our whole life.

        I am a RF Engineer of wirelss Broadband comnunication ATM /LMDS in Toronto , I do respect the people who pay respect to others and willing to understand others.

    • 很精彩
    • 请问 Guest 转行学会计的过程
      我是最怕“年老色衰的”,今年7月底Landed Vancouver,BC。来之前就想改学会计,我原本是读Computer Science,但毕业后因为不愿意整天面对一台机器,写一些枯燥的语言,放弃了本行。我还是认为做会计比较适合我。


    • 看到你的这篇文章真如看到黑夜大海上的指航灯, 请一定跟我联系, 我有许多问题请教 xu_echo@hotmail.com,谢谢!
    • 有一定的道理!澳洲这边也是会计奇缺!
    • What is CA?
      To help layman and novice to understand the points in this paper, let me try to explain what CA is. According to a guest, CA is short for Chartered Accounts. (Thanks a million for the guest pointing out the mistakes in the original posting). This is a Canadian term. In USA, people say CPA, which means Certified Public Account. If you are a CPA, you can have your own company and hire some other people. To become CPA, you need take a set of tests. Probably more difficult than MCSE and Sun's Java 2 programmer certificate.
      • chartered accountant
      • I was wondering how come my reply was earlier than your original message.
        • Guest, I corrected the mistake according to your posting. Thank you.
    • 看了你的文章我很受鼓舞,我正在申请york的会计专业,希望能得到你的指点。
      • 你申请的是本科还是研究生?如果读研,需要有会计的本科学历或工作经验吗?谢谢。
        • 我申请的是本科,york accounting 没有研究生,不清楚会计专业研究生的入学条件。sorry!
          • 我一月份要去加拿大,也想读会计,原为管理本科,请问我可以直接申请读会计本科吗?再请问申请哪所学校比较好?
    • a new way for me to make a new life in Canada. please contact with me. my email : hongyangs@hotmail.com
      well your experience just like a lamp in the dark to me. and give me a light and a new way to make live in Canada. as an agricultural chemist i think i have few opportunity to find a job so i decide to change my major to IT because my friend tell me in this field there are more job offer than others. but from your experince i got i still have other raod to go on the Canadian road. would you mind giving me some advice
      any way thank your essay on the web
    • Did anybody get a response from that "warm-hearted old immigrant"?
      I understand that so many people got excited because of the gigantic job opportunities pointed out by the "warm-hearted old immigrant". If it is the reality, I would be more than happy.

      Please be advised that the posting by "warm-hearted old immigrant" was done by a "guest". The paper appaered origiannly at some other web site. Believe or not, most people including me were fooled by this second-handed paper.

      I am an IT professional but I don't advise others to follow my path. Not all the people can be programmers, analysts, architects, project managers. But I would like to point out: If you want to be an accoutant and earm more than $100K, you need pay a big price.

      Good luck, everybody.
      • agree with you. No pain, no gain.
    • 为什么多写意写呢?目前,技术移民以计算机专业为多,介绍一下您的经历,对大家有帮助,先谢谢。
      • Jack, so-called warm-hearted guy does not exist. Sorry to disappoint you
    • 很好!PLEASE GO ON.
    • 同意,且深有体会
    • what is the differences between canada's accounting system and china's accounting system. accounting principles
      • if you really have no idea of difference between chinese and western accounting system, buy some books in any chinese bookstore then decide whether you can be in accounting.
        • i wonder if any of you know some website introduce or discuss canada's accounting-practice. please tell me, thx very much
    • 国内的课程每们课都作COURSE OUTLINE,公证后作个EQUIVALENT COMPARATION,很麻烦的. 请问怎么作?我也想学会计。请发邮件给我,谢谢! c_z@263.net
    • I am interest in you topic
      I am interested in your topic very much. Your viewpoint is just mine.
      I majored in computer science. but IT is always changing and I think it is a men's world. I am tired of it. I worked in band and I am interested in accouting. If I had to work in china I should became an accountant. But now I want to go to canada .How can I do like you? please give me all the details.
      I want to know everything. thanks for your time.
      e-mail me wpw-2000@263.net
      thank you very much!
    • I want to listen to your story
    • Thank you for your sincere advice. if have time, can I contact with you via e-mail. my mailbox: 5156lhf@usa.net
    • .终 于 找 到 你 了 :), 盼 能 跟 我 联 系 ,我 有 很 多 问 题 需 要 请 教 , 多 谢 !tang_catherine@163.net
    • 您的经历和见解很有道理,愿问其详,请赐教!我的EMAIL:goldenlyy@sina.com. 大谢!
    • How to contact you for details? Thanks
      • Guest, how to contact you for details of major changing? Thanks very much!
    • zhengzheng
      ^ o ^
    • 你的文章很精彩。能否具体介绍一下申请会计专业需要的TOEFL 成绩,GMAT必须要吗? 同时,再请教,是否知道申请教师专业的情况,是否有培训一年就能那到教师的上岗证的学校? 多谢!
      • 问得好!我也很想知道有关教师职业的问题.我认为教师职业是加拿大十分需要而且永远不会过时的职业,如果能够克服语言障碍不失为新移民另一个选择.能将我们各自了解的情况互相交流一下吗?E-mail:3rain@sina.com
    • 我对您发布的文章很感兴趣,能否发E-MAIL给我?
    • 您的文章很精彩,有许多问题想请教,能否发E-MAIL指点迷津?My e-mail address is GZDJ@gz.cngb.com. Thank you!
    • 请问怎么写国内的课程介绍,我以前是学工程测量的,后来学了个技术经济,出去想学会计,请赐教。