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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛现在你在进入你的自由。允许自己去感受你的痛苦,身体上以及情感上,而不感到内疚或羞愧,不去想象它们是在展示你你是失败的或者不去想象你不知怎么的创造了它们。只是温柔地让它们被看到

Parcelled into each pain is a package of negative emotion–let it come out.Allow yourself to become aware and compassionate towards your resentment,your anger,your fear,your guilt.Let these emotions be noticed,there is no judgement:it was not your fault.


It is the same for your emotions:you have become used to the patterning of fear,guilt,anger,shame and resentment in your personality,in your body,in your actions,words and thoughts.It may take a while to get used to a new patterning based on compassion,forgiveness,peace,love and joy.


But this is who you are,and we will all work tirelessly with you until the day you remember,'Yes!I am perfect.I am forgiven,for there was nothing to forgive.I am healed,because I now know my own perfection.'

但这是你的所是,我们都会不知疲倦与你共事直到你忆起"是的!我是完美的。我被宽恕,因为没什么需要去宽恕。我被疗愈,因为我现在知道了我的完美。"更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 在这个最黑暗的剧变阶段,有必要去守护内在的光,保持知识和爱的火焰。这是一个人拥有的最大的宝藏
    • 现在你在进入你的自由。允许自己去感受你的痛苦,身体上以及情感上,而不感到内疚或羞愧,不去想象它们是在展示你你是失败的或者不去想象你不知怎么的创造了它们。只是温柔地让它们被看到.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛现在你在进入你的自由。允许自己去感受你的痛苦,身体上以及情感上,而不感到内疚或羞愧,不去想象它们是在展示你你是失败的或者不去想象你不知怎么的创造了它们。只是温柔地让它们被看到

      Parcelled into each pain is a package of negative emotion–let it come out.Allow yourself to become aware and compassionate towards your resentment,your anger,your fear,your guilt.Let these emotions be noticed,there is no judgement:it was not your fault.


      It is the same for your emotions:you have become used to the patterning of fear,guilt,anger,shame and resentment in your personality,in your body,in your actions,words and thoughts.It may take a while to get used to a new patterning based on compassion,forgiveness,peace,love and joy.


      But this is who you are,and we will all work tirelessly with you until the day you remember,'Yes!I am perfect.I am forgiven,for there was nothing to forgive.I am healed,because I now know my own perfection.'

      但这是你的所是,我们都会不知疲倦与你共事直到你忆起"是的!我是完美的。我被宽恕,因为没什么需要去宽恕。我被疗愈,因为我现在知道了我的完美。"更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net