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Let us tell you that all negative input will not hold its ground.It can not and will never be allowed.Simply put.. it will not match the new Earth vibrational resonance

Let us tell you that all negative input will not hold its ground. It can not and will never be allowed. The Earth Aria will move soon to higher Hz resonance and all Hz parallel realities in the making of Polaraze negative notation will be expelled from its orbital sequence. Simply put.. it will not match the new Earth vibrational resonance That is why stay calm in the eye of the storm and keep your head high. You know the path and you know the way to your freedom. And then you will realize that you were always free but you were manipulated to think the opposite. The mastery is in your conscious perception. Restructure your understanding, See the truth from within you and shift your realities to your true heart self-awareness.
Contol is necessary for you now. See-through the deception it will escalate and will appear right in fronts of you like facts and situations. Do not ignore the facts they are showing you the deception. The awakening is now. Are Awake yet???
The Council of Nine.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 20200112集体冥想的巨大成果:3D时间线连续35个小时完全坍塌,并且合并到了5D时间线上!(地球周围维度频率的舒曼共振图,连续黑暗了35个小时!)
    • 昴宿星人说:"天堂不是一个地方,而是一种存在状态(或意识状态?)这就是5D/伽马状态,它被称为意识的极乐状态,你的两个大脑半球同时运作!
    • meditation result (from cobra) +1
      • 中文翻译.【地球盟友】【柯博拉Cobra】2020年1月20日訊息【藍色晨曦】.水瓶座時代冥想大獲成功。雖然參與冥想的人數勉強及格,不過我們還是達成了臨界質量。這次大約有15萬人積極參與水瓶座時代冥想:
    • 你说的每个字我都能看懂,但是一连起来啥也不懂!说点人话行吗?
      • 这就对了,楼主本来就是跟我们活在不同世界。
        • :-) 多一个视角而已
      • :-) 需要建立一个不同的视角来看这个世界。感兴趣的话,先看”扬升书“第一册,了解/建立万物一体的视角,再看”扬升书“第二册,了解事件,空间,维度和密度。”扬升书“第一,二册链接见下


    • 为什么是35个小时?最高维度是不是11?
      • Re:最高维度是不是11?以我当前的愚昧认知,维度只不过是帮助我们理解现实的一种近似说法。可能说”频率“更准确些。感兴趣的话可以看”扬升书“第二册,维度和密度的相关章节
        ”扬升书“第二册链接: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/qE5Q0ElcU5SVteSmRl7NKg

    • 你自己新创的教派?,还不如研究失传28星宿,那才是天人和合一 +1
      • 都是转贴的文章
    • 你想的和谢谢想的是一回事儿吗? +1
      • 转贴的这篇文章和扬升书是把科学可灵性统一在一起,所以很多时候用的是科学的语言
    • Let us tell you that all negative input will not hold its ground.It can not and will never be allowed.Simply put.. it will not match the new Earth vibrational resonance
      Let us tell you that all negative input will not hold its ground. It can not and will never be allowed. The Earth Aria will move soon to higher Hz resonance and all Hz parallel realities in the making of Polaraze negative notation will be expelled from its orbital sequence. Simply put.. it will not match the new Earth vibrational resonance That is why stay calm in the eye of the storm and keep your head high. You know the path and you know the way to your freedom. And then you will realize that you were always free but you were manipulated to think the opposite. The mastery is in your conscious perception. Restructure your understanding, See the truth from within you and shift your realities to your true heart self-awareness.
      Contol is necessary for you now. See-through the deception it will escalate and will appear right in fronts of you like facts and situations. Do not ignore the facts they are showing you the deception. The awakening is now. Are Awake yet???
      The Council of Nine.