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特别的信息. 给特别的你。😄。 Andrew Bartzis : Dragons are elemental beings of photonic light created by the planetary sentients and then given sovereign free will in a dream space of that planet.

And with that sovereign free will connected to that planet they become elemental beings, and those elemental beings program the surface reality, so third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh dimensional creatures can interact over many several dozen
different layers.

They are reality programmers and they are reality manipulators and they are our tools
through DNA in which to manifest our own sovereign level of reality, to have our own
infinite space, and each and every person born on this world has that sovereign concept
within their DNA to reach into the elemental mind of earth and have a dragon, or
elemental energy, dispatched to you so you can create your sovereign level of reality
with 100% contrast control, 100% contract control, on a sovereign free will planet in a
sovereign free will galaxy that is a 100% free will universe.

And we are sharing this hologram over many hundreds of layers and the dragons are
the dream-weavers. They are the land people. They are the ancients. They are the
ancestors, because they were the spawned beings of this planet. And there are
dragons of other planets as well too, such as Venus and Mars and Mercury and all the
others. Every planet creates elemental dragons, and that residual image is what is-,
when we see in our dreams, the giantess of dragons, is because that is the description
of how big their sentience is so that they can get their job accomplished.

Dragons are multidimensional, multi-functional photonic beings of light created from a
sovereign manifested will of planetary sentients, who has then been given the soul
codes of that planet to travel from planet to planet, star to star, or to bring-, to go to new
planets and venture to new places to bring more star codes home, or to transfer
children via spiritual vehicles from one section of the galaxy to the other, or one section
of the universe over to another.

They support soul commerce on the local planetary level as well as the interplanetary,
galactic and universal level. At every scale of being of our reality and our universe
dragons, and that expressive concept of everything that you can think that there can
possibly be and more are that fundamental reality programming concept. Elemental
sparks of the universal creational force so that we have ways for our DNA to interact
with them so that we can continue to create reality and make known the unknown.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 你们相信“龙”的真实存在吗? :-) +1
    • 相信。习大大就是真龙天子。 +8
      • 😂
        • 按辈分算,我算真龙天侄孙子。 +2
          • 龙虾是龙的侄子,皮皮虾是龙虾的孙子,这么算的吗?
            • 从习大大那里算的啦。你们不要学着我算啊。大大(按伯父讲)是天子,我就是天侄孙子。
              • 这样啊,误会了!
                • 瞎扯的东西你都这么认真啊:D +1
                  • 想帮你圆一下嘛。
                    • 楼主可能是要为习大大是真龙天子造势了,我要赶快攀亲把位卡住。
      • 习大大是我用区块链训练的【区块帮主】之一。
    • 龙是不是存在过,我不知道,但是今天我们看到的这个形象的龙是不存在的,我可以肯定,因为最初的绘画雕塑里的龙的形象可不是这样。
      • 我还是觉得我们中国龙比西方龙, 更威更好看。
    • 据说龙肉很好吃。
      • 俺拉的屎,人类也说“很好吃”。
    • 我不是相信,而是知道“龙”的真实存在。因为我在三个清明梦里见到过龙哦, 呀呀。 :-) +1
      • 动画片看多了,都会这样。
        • LOL. 我过两天贴,龙, 到底是什么。
          • 等了两天了,龙, 到底是什么?
            • Sorry for late. Thought nobody would ever ask. lol.
              • 每个生物都是条【龙】具有三力:体力/energy,智力/synergy 和龙力/stigmergy. 但是金权政体把人类的龙力给磨灭了。我正在用我的共识主动性参与机制恢复人类的龙力。
      • 什么是清明梦,难道还有端午梦,重九梦?
        • Lucid Dreaming, 经常打坐冥想的人, 会更经常有清明梦的,因为维度分隔面纱更淡了。 +1
          • 那叫幻觉
            • 打坐时间太长, 脑部缺氧。。。 +4
              • 人家看得见你看不见,你就是嫉妒~
                • 要相信科学, 怎么你们理科的, 还不如我这学文科的唯物?
                  • 科学家连自己做的梦都解释不了,咋能解释龙?
      • +1
        • 特别的信息. 给特别的你。😄。 Andrew Bartzis : Dragons are elemental beings of photonic light created by the planetary sentients and then given sovereign free will in a dream space of that planet.

          And with that sovereign free will connected to that planet they become elemental beings, and those elemental beings program the surface reality, so third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh dimensional creatures can interact over many several dozen
          different layers.

          They are reality programmers and they are reality manipulators and they are our tools
          through DNA in which to manifest our own sovereign level of reality, to have our own
          infinite space, and each and every person born on this world has that sovereign concept
          within their DNA to reach into the elemental mind of earth and have a dragon, or
          elemental energy, dispatched to you so you can create your sovereign level of reality
          with 100% contrast control, 100% contract control, on a sovereign free will planet in a
          sovereign free will galaxy that is a 100% free will universe.

          And we are sharing this hologram over many hundreds of layers and the dragons are
          the dream-weavers. They are the land people. They are the ancients. They are the
          ancestors, because they were the spawned beings of this planet. And there are
          dragons of other planets as well too, such as Venus and Mars and Mercury and all the
          others. Every planet creates elemental dragons, and that residual image is what is-,
          when we see in our dreams, the giantess of dragons, is because that is the description
          of how big their sentience is so that they can get their job accomplished.

          Dragons are multidimensional, multi-functional photonic beings of light created from a
          sovereign manifested will of planetary sentients, who has then been given the soul
          codes of that planet to travel from planet to planet, star to star, or to bring-, to go to new
          planets and venture to new places to bring more star codes home, or to transfer
          children via spiritual vehicles from one section of the galaxy to the other, or one section
          of the universe over to another.

          They support soul commerce on the local planetary level as well as the interplanetary,
          galactic and universal level. At every scale of being of our reality and our universe
          dragons, and that expressive concept of everything that you can think that there can
          possibly be and more are that fundamental reality programming concept. Elemental
          sparks of the universal creational force so that we have ways for our DNA to interact
          with them so that we can continue to create reality and make known the unknown.

          • thank you :-)
    • 新闻联播没报道的都不存在😄
      • 太乖了。:-) +1
    • 俺是条真龙。
      • 俺正在带领人类迈入 【共识主动时代/stigmergy age】
        • https://www.rolia.net/zh/post.php?f=9&p=1376456 +2
          • :-)
    • 中国说的龙,就是从河里爬出来的鳄鱼,当然是存在过的
    • 这谁知道???问老猫去啊。
      • 当今天下只有俺知道。