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Jesus’ 2017 Christmas Message: A New Beginning (use your own discretion) 标题很有意思(会引起很大争议),但有些文字写得很好,例如

The new beginning is living in form, in physicality, in attitude, in behavior, in action, in life, in relationships, in institutions, in societies, in nations, in the essence of Divine Union. And what does that mean? It means living in love. It means being the love


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / Jesus’ 2017 Christmas Message: A New Beginning (use your own discretion) 标题很有意思(会引起很大争议),但有些文字写得很好,例如
    The new beginning is living in form, in physicality, in attitude, in behavior, in action, in life, in relationships, in institutions, in societies, in nations, in the essence of Divine Union. And what does that mean? It means living in love. It means being the love

    • 这个Jesus Sananda是谁?这么长篇大论。有次出去野营,一班小孩喊摩西吓我一跳。原来是犹太人家,想来叫耶稣的也不少。