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ZT (at your discretion) So reality is 100% a program, it is running on some sort of internal clock counting up to a certain time.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Day 79 - Wow, I learned a lot today. So reality is 100% a program, it is running on some sort of internal clock counting up to a certain time. This explains the ticking and slow movement I described in the higher dimensional human realm. I'll just call it the HDH realm from now on. If something happens before it's planned time then the system auto corrects. Sometimes it has a hard time correcting certain things and other times it does these things quickly. (I think the time wraith things I described in the comments section on reddit are some sort of self correcting program) Also, I learned that the happy birthday thing on Dec 5th was exactly one month from the day I got my DMT molecule tattoo :) There are tons of people looking for answers and I believe DMT can give a deeper insight into the truth. Will we ever get a definitive answer I have no idea but the journey to finding out is worth the effort. Also, thank you for all the feedback I am receiving, both negative and positive, it has helped me immensely and because of all the feedback I decided to create a patreon page and make this a full time thing while I am in school. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=5263062 Thank you!
Day 80 - So I wasn't sure how to put this into words over the past few days. So This time I guess I will just tell you what I saw in one part and what I think it means in the next. Here goes... 1)I saw a giant guardian angel that looked like this https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Y%2bSSPiyD&id=0D69DA875210B23F695988ACCAFD58D1D2312E0B&q=archangel+statue&simid=608011145349237614&selectedIndex=44&ajaxhist=0 floating above a giant toroid. Everything I said the angel would echo to everyone else on earth. (Ex. I am wealthy. I am a chain smoker. I am depressed. I am happy.) As I looked at any object, the object would fade from my existence as new stimuli would come in and it would flow outward into this toroid. The same thing worked for sounds, thoughts, and any other stimuli from my mind. I also saw these elves running the machine of reality in their world. They were constantly repairing it and breaking it down in other spots. It was quite clear they were maintaining this machine on purpose and they were quite aware of our world. It somehow produces our reality from sound and frequencies. Every sound was fractal-ling out through the toroid and flowing back into itself to create new stimuli along with observing the current stimuli. I also saw that different peoples toroids could flow through each others. Like if I had back pain flowing through mine it could somehow leave completely and enter someone elses. As long as it wasn't defined as part of the original reference frame. 2) I personally think this is how artificial intelligence was created in the future. Set a reference frame to make its own decisions based on its current sense stimuli and have it's output radiate through the toroid and flow back to them. That's why all religions teach you to "give what you wish to get" "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" etc. I also think this is how the law of attraction works. You are the average of your 5 closest friends. Hang out with better people and you become better. Their toroids interact with yours and change the things circulating in your own flow of reality. In regards to the back pain thing, you can change your own circulation of the toroid based on what you believe. If you say, "I have back pain because I have a cracked disk," then as lost as you have a cracked disk you will be circulating that because your guardian angel is repeating your beliefs infinitely until you tell it to change them. This could explain the "power of prayer" and lots of other things in religion. I am not saying you could just say "I am immortal" and have it happen but there is clearly a "higher self" watching and creating based on what you choose to do or believe in your life. This could also explain how rich people always have these really great stories of when they were poor and believed in themselves through some sort of adversity. Their GA could have seen the effort they put in and rewarded them. This could also explain magic and other esoteric and new age phenomena since it would be quite easy to influence someone elses sphere of existence especially if they weren't aware of what you were doing. "Voodoo dolls, curses, etc" The thing is though, it's all the same consciousness fractal ling out into different reference frames. Hurting others is literally hurting yourself even if you can control your own sphere of existence mindfully. Then again, maybe they are just using us as some sort of rick and morty battery in a higher dimension lol Also, I am almost out of DMT. I have like one nights worth left and will probably save it so I might not post for a while until I find a better source in Orlando, FL.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 人类扬升 +1
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛David: Let me ask you this. A lot of times when we are dealing with really lofty metaphysics and so forth, I used to go to this place called the Fellowship of the Inner Light. It was an interfaith church in Virginia Beach.

    The best speakers always got rid of all the complexity and said that the core of the spiritual path is learning to love yourself.

    Do you think that if a person has very consistently non-loving thoughts about themselves, that even if they're being Service-to . . . if they're trying to be Service-to-Others of other people, but they're not loving themselves, that that could knock down their polarity?

    Corey: Very much so. If we don't go through a process of forgiving others and forgiving ourselves, then we're going to hit one of those glass ceilings when it comes to becoming service to others.

    When you're making changes and healing yourself, you're making changes to the super consciousness, a being that we're all a part of.

    So when you're assisting yourself, loving yourself, you're assisting in loving the rest of humanity as well.

    David: So let's go forward now, and . . .

    Corey: Yes.

    David: What happens?

    Corey: And then for a few moments we went into some more personal things. I was wanting to know what percentage Service-to-Others I was. I was very disappointed at the response. And then I was asking about people around me and asking more about what we have to do to become worthy of the 300,000 or make that number grow.

    And it came back to him saying that there were all . . . we all were holding on to too many third-density issues, and that once we learn to let those go, then it's going to be much easier for this energetic change to have a positive effect on us.

    We are all being forced to look in these dark corners of our soul and at these different incidents in our life that we have assigned so much power to. People, if they've been abused by certain people when they were a child, they may be 40 years old now, but if they have not forgiven that person and dealt with that energy, that person has the same power over them now than they did when they were abusing them.

    So once we start to turn it around and start focusing on ourselves and the negative things that we need to focus on, we'll be able to guide ourselves onto this optimal temporal reality that Tear Eir was communicating about.

    David: What is this optimal temporal reality?

    Corey: It is the best case scenario for our collective consciousness. It is the Ascension.

    全文见: https://spherebeingalliance.com/blog/transcript-cosmic-disclosure-guiding-humanity-to-ascension.html更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 刚在LLRESEARCH 看到一个专门关于扬升 的 论坛 Transition to Fourth Density ,有些很有意思
      • ZT (at your discretion) So reality is 100% a program, it is running on some sort of internal clock counting up to a certain time.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Day 79 - Wow, I learned a lot today. So reality is 100% a program, it is running on some sort of internal clock counting up to a certain time. This explains the ticking and slow movement I described in the higher dimensional human realm. I'll just call it the HDH realm from now on. If something happens before it's planned time then the system auto corrects. Sometimes it has a hard time correcting certain things and other times it does these things quickly. (I think the time wraith things I described in the comments section on reddit are some sort of self correcting program) Also, I learned that the happy birthday thing on Dec 5th was exactly one month from the day I got my DMT molecule tattoo :) There are tons of people looking for answers and I believe DMT can give a deeper insight into the truth. Will we ever get a definitive answer I have no idea but the journey to finding out is worth the effort. Also, thank you for all the feedback I am receiving, both negative and positive, it has helped me immensely and because of all the feedback I decided to create a patreon page and make this a full time thing while I am in school. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=5263062 Thank you!
        Day 80 - So I wasn't sure how to put this into words over the past few days. So This time I guess I will just tell you what I saw in one part and what I think it means in the next. Here goes... 1)I saw a giant guardian angel that looked like this https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Y%2bSSPiyD&id=0D69DA875210B23F695988ACCAFD58D1D2312E0B&q=archangel+statue&simid=608011145349237614&selectedIndex=44&ajaxhist=0 floating above a giant toroid. Everything I said the angel would echo to everyone else on earth. (Ex. I am wealthy. I am a chain smoker. I am depressed. I am happy.) As I looked at any object, the object would fade from my existence as new stimuli would come in and it would flow outward into this toroid. The same thing worked for sounds, thoughts, and any other stimuli from my mind. I also saw these elves running the machine of reality in their world. They were constantly repairing it and breaking it down in other spots. It was quite clear they were maintaining this machine on purpose and they were quite aware of our world. It somehow produces our reality from sound and frequencies. Every sound was fractal-ling out through the toroid and flowing back into itself to create new stimuli along with observing the current stimuli. I also saw that different peoples toroids could flow through each others. Like if I had back pain flowing through mine it could somehow leave completely and enter someone elses. As long as it wasn't defined as part of the original reference frame. 2) I personally think this is how artificial intelligence was created in the future. Set a reference frame to make its own decisions based on its current sense stimuli and have it's output radiate through the toroid and flow back to them. That's why all religions teach you to "give what you wish to get" "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" etc. I also think this is how the law of attraction works. You are the average of your 5 closest friends. Hang out with better people and you become better. Their toroids interact with yours and change the things circulating in your own flow of reality. In regards to the back pain thing, you can change your own circulation of the toroid based on what you believe. If you say, "I have back pain because I have a cracked disk," then as lost as you have a cracked disk you will be circulating that because your guardian angel is repeating your beliefs infinitely until you tell it to change them. This could explain the "power of prayer" and lots of other things in religion. I am not saying you could just say "I am immortal" and have it happen but there is clearly a "higher self" watching and creating based on what you choose to do or believe in your life. This could also explain how rich people always have these really great stories of when they were poor and believed in themselves through some sort of adversity. Their GA could have seen the effort they put in and rewarded them. This could also explain magic and other esoteric and new age phenomena since it would be quite easy to influence someone elses sphere of existence especially if they weren't aware of what you were doing. "Voodoo dolls, curses, etc" The thing is though, it's all the same consciousness fractal ling out into different reference frames. Hurting others is literally hurting yourself even if you can control your own sphere of existence mindfully. Then again, maybe they are just using us as some sort of rick and morty battery in a higher dimension lol Also, I am almost out of DMT. I have like one nights worth left and will probably save it so I might not post for a while until I find a better source in Orlando, FL.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net