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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

我上过贵论坛很多次,想找有关枫叶卡的事.但最后失望了,未找到任何权威的答复是否一定要等到MC/PRC. 本人最后去信加拿大大使馆直接询问.对方给出了详细的答复. 各位不需等待枫叶卡,可以为所欲为,现本人将大使馆的答复引叙如下:

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Frank Cheung,

Please read the below notice, then if you have further questions you
refer to the CIC web site at: www.cic.gc.ca for more information.

Returning Resident Permits

As of 28 June 2002, the Returning Resident Permit will be abolished.
the new legislation, persons who have been admitted to Canada as
residents must spend a cumulative total of 730 days (two years)
residing in
Canada within any five-year period. Persons who do not meet this
requirement lose their permanent resident status unless:

-their spouse or common-law partner is a Canadian citizen, and they
are remaining outside Canada in order to accompany that person;

-they are employed on a full-time basis outside Canada by a Canadian
-their spouse or common-law partner is a permanent resident of Canada
and is
assigned to work outside Canada by a Canadian employer, and they are
accompanying him/her;

-a visa officer is satisfied that the residency obligation should
not apply for humanitarian reasons

This change means that most permanent residents of Canada can return to
Canada using their passport and their Record of Landing (i.e. IMM1000
Landing Paper). It will not be necessary to contact the Embassy before
leaving for Canada. You will only need to apply to the Embassy for
help in
returning to Canada in the following circumstances:

-You have no Record of Landing, e.g. if your Record of Landing has
been stolen, lost, or destroyed.

-You have a Record of Landing, and you wish to return to Canada to
take up residence there within the next 60 days, but you are concerned
you do not meet the residency requirement. This will be the case only
you were landed more than three years ago and have not resided in
Canada, or
if you were landed longer ago than that, and have not acquired 730 days
Canada within the past five years.

If neither of these situations applies to you, or if you are not
to return to Canada to live within the next 60 days, you can travel to
Canada using your Record of Landing.

If one of these situations does apply to you, please contact us to
apply for
a Facilitation Travel Document (Permanent Resident Abroad).

Immigration Section

Canadian Embassy, Beijing
19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
Beijing, PRC 100600更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 我上过贵论坛很多次,想找有关枫叶卡的事.但最后失望了,未找到任何权威的答复是否一定要等到MC/PRC. 本人最后去信加拿大大使馆直接询问.对方给出了详细的答复. 各位不需等待枫叶卡,可以为所欲为,现本人将大使馆的答复引叙如下:
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Frank Cheung,

    Please read the below notice, then if you have further questions you
    refer to the CIC web site at: www.cic.gc.ca for more information.

    Returning Resident Permits

    As of 28 June 2002, the Returning Resident Permit will be abolished.
    the new legislation, persons who have been admitted to Canada as
    residents must spend a cumulative total of 730 days (two years)
    residing in
    Canada within any five-year period. Persons who do not meet this
    requirement lose their permanent resident status unless:

    -their spouse or common-law partner is a Canadian citizen, and they
    are remaining outside Canada in order to accompany that person;

    -they are employed on a full-time basis outside Canada by a Canadian
    -their spouse or common-law partner is a permanent resident of Canada
    and is
    assigned to work outside Canada by a Canadian employer, and they are
    accompanying him/her;

    -a visa officer is satisfied that the residency obligation should
    not apply for humanitarian reasons

    This change means that most permanent residents of Canada can return to
    Canada using their passport and their Record of Landing (i.e. IMM1000
    Landing Paper). It will not be necessary to contact the Embassy before
    leaving for Canada. You will only need to apply to the Embassy for
    help in
    returning to Canada in the following circumstances:

    -You have no Record of Landing, e.g. if your Record of Landing has
    been stolen, lost, or destroyed.

    -You have a Record of Landing, and you wish to return to Canada to
    take up residence there within the next 60 days, but you are concerned
    you do not meet the residency requirement. This will be the case only
    you were landed more than three years ago and have not resided in
    Canada, or
    if you were landed longer ago than that, and have not acquired 730 days
    Canada within the past five years.

    If neither of these situations applies to you, or if you are not
    to return to Canada to live within the next 60 days, you can travel to
    Canada using your Record of Landing.

    If one of these situations does apply to you, please contact us to
    apply for
    a Facilitation Travel Document (Permanent Resident Abroad).

    Immigration Section

    Canadian Embassy, Beijing
    19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
    Beijing, PRC 100600更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 不知道现在的移民拿的LP是否和以前的一样。如果是一样的,that mail makes sense。听人说新的LP只是一次入境有效。
    • 请问这封信是什么时候发给你的? 现在的要求是,2003年12月31号以后要旅游进入加拿大,一定要用PR卡啊. LP到时候不管用了.除了一个ONE-TIME-USE的旅游政见(不知道是不是那个FACIITATION TRAVEL DOCUMENT).
      • 此邮件的回复日期是2003年2月21日,是针对短期入境加拿大的移民.他不需在加等待枫叶卡,可以由当地朋友代为接收,自己先回国.不会影响其再次入境.当然必须在今年12月31日前拿到你的PR CARD
        • 请问:我们也是短登回国.现在已过4个星期枫叶卡毫无头绪.当时在加时,曾有电话咨询,说是电脑登陆系统出了一些问题.不知是否要我们再次入境申请?那就麻烦了. 有什么好建议吗?
          • 我的枫卡是一个多月后寄到朋友那的,后转寄给我.卡即使丢拉也没问题,拿旧LP到使馆办一临时签证也能回加拿大.,
        • 真的不需要在这里等吗?我怎么没看见这句话,有几个朋友都在向文这个问题。是否可以来这里申请,然后就回去了,如果可以让朋友带领,就会太方便了。
          • 我一个朋友去年十月登录温哥华,只待了一星期,枫叶卡申请后由渥太华的朋友代收,现在他人在上海,但已拿到枫叶卡.
            • 可以在温哥华申请枫叶卡,然后寄到渥太华的朋友那里吗?还有第一次登陆后,除了申请枫叶卡,还要申请什么呢?我想短期登陆。各位大虾谢谢了!
          • The PR card will mail to the address you specify just like driver lisence. Don't need anybody in person to pick up or any personal ID.
            • 不,那是指去年6月28日以后登陆的,之前的,要本人亲自去领的呀
              • 听到说今后登陆的不用亲自领PR卡,真是另人高兴,但是为什么我们早来的人必须亲自领,过期还必须重新申请重新交费,这是什么道理?
        • 枫叶卡在办理中,又不想让朋友寄给我,在03年内我再返回加拿大没有此卡行吗? 一定要去使馆办理“旅行文件“吗?
    • 问题是不管怎样,你都需要一个信得过的朋友帮你收枫叶卡和保存枫叶卡,或者相信邮政系统,把卡转寄给你。以前登陆没有枫叶卡的问题,但是SIN卡,银行卡情况也是一样的。
      • 我的一个已经办过枫叶卡的朋友告诉我讲是通知他什么时候到什么地点去取卡, 还要签字,没有说会寄给你指定的地址的。
        • 你朋友是2002-6-28以前登陆的吧。那个是要本人取领。我是6-28以后登陆的,登陆后马上离开,朋友已经吧PR卡寄给我了,前后一共1个多月(包括寄卡的时间)。
          • 2003年再次入境需要申请临时签证吗?2004年肯定要啦,临时签证如何申请,要本人亲自去吗?
            • 有枫叶卡就不必了。没有的话,是2004年以后必须要临时签证,不过申请方法不太清楚。
              • 临时签证如何申请?有人办过吗?